Drama Title: Holyland
Korean Title: 홀리랜드
Romanization: Hollilaendeu
Chinese Name: 圣地
Japanese Name: ホーリーランド
Genre: Action
Episodes: 4
Broadcast Place: South Korea
Broadcast network: OCN
Broadcast period: 28 April 2012 – 19 May 2012
Language: Korean
Air time: Saturday 11:00 PM
Preceded By:
Followed By:
Plot Summary / Synopsis
A TV movie about a homeless teen who wanders the streets and skips school but is able to redeem himself through the beauty of boxing.
Ordinary teen Kang-Yoo, who can’t get along with people at home or school, begins to learn the basics of boxing from a book. One day, he goes out on the street and defends himself with his new learned boxing skills from a group of thugs. Since then, he is called the hunter of thugs. By chance, Kang-Yoo meets Sang-Ho, who becomes his mentor. Kang-Yoo pushes himself to find out who he really is.
Dong Ho (동호) as Kang Yoo (강유)
Sung Woong (성웅) as Sang Ho (상호)
Hoon (훈) as Tae Sik (태식)
Joo Da Young (주다영) as Sang Mi (상미)
Production Credits
Director: Park Ki Hyung (박기형)
- “Holyland” is adapted from Mori Kouji’s manga series “Holyland” which was published from June 29, 2001 through July 29, 2008.
- The manga has previously been made into 13-episode Japanese drama series ホーリーランド (Holyland) which was broadcasted from April 2, 2005 to June 25, 2005.
Official Site
Official Photo Gallery
Watch online with English subtitle (not yet available).
Watch online with Chinese subtitle at letv.com or youku.com.
Photo Gallery