Tag: Yoon Yong Hyun [윤용현 / 尹勇贤]
Salaryman Chohanji (Contention History of the Salaryman)
Drama Title: Salaryman Korean Title: 샐러리맨 초한지 Romanization Pronunciation: Sael-leo-ri-maen Cho-han-ji / Selreorimaen Chohanji Also Known As: History of the Salaryman / Salaryman Chohanji / Contention of the Salaryman / Salaryman Cho Han Ji Chinese Name: 工薪族楚汉志 Japanese Name: サラリーマン楚漢志 Genre: Drama, Comedy Episodes: 22 Broadcast Place: South Korea Broadcast network: SBS Broadcast period: 2…