Vampire Prosecutor Hit 4% Highest Ratings to Break Cable TV Record

The highest ratings of OCN’s Vampire Prosecutor has broken through 4% mark, rewriting the history of cable TV drama series.

The 10th episode of Vampire Prosecutor broadcast on December 4th has the average rating of 3.16% with the highest ratings of 4%, breaking its own ratings record. This is the highest rating for dramas broadcast on cable channels this year. Vampire Prosecutor had previously recorded the highest rating on the 8th episode with average rating of 2.95% and highest rating of 3.82%. The show has ranked top for all programs shown at the time slot for cable TVs, and is becoming the top 5 OCN’s dramas of all time.

In particularly, Vampire Prosecutor achieved overwhelming numbers for category of male and female adults aged 25 to 49 years old, and category of female viewers in 20s of age, which garnered ratings of over 30%.

On the episode 10 titled “Marriage” of Vampire Prosecutor, a questionable death occurred on a popular mating TV reality show. The show participants, director, writer, everyone becomes a suspect as they were shooting the program in an isolated mountain lodge, leading to a breathtaking battle of brain power.

via Nate




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