Can’t Live with Losing (Can’t Lose) Episode 10 Synopsis Summary

Synopsis Summary for Can’t Lose (Can’t Live with Losing) Episode 10

Hyung Woo who received the call from Eun Jae at home rushes home immediately. He is stunned and worried seeing the crying Eun Jae. Eun Jae wants to call Tae Young but the phone is taken away by Hyung Woo. Eun Jae hugs Hyung Woo, and Hyung Woo consoles her and says sorry for causing her tiredness. When Hyung Woo wants to leave, Eun Jae asks him not to.

The next day, Hyung Woo housekeep the house while Eun Jae is sleeping. When she wakes up, he is repairing the lock. Hyung Woo apologizes for his previous indifferent and unconcerned, Eun Jae also says she is wrong at times, and tells Hyung Woo to do their best before the next trial.

They decide to go to office together. Everybody in the office is surprised seeing them together, while they express intention to try to mend the ties again. Everybody congratulates them, Eun Jae feels shy and goes to her room.

Jung-koo appears at the office, and he suggests to them to think carefully what’s the situation one year ago when just married, and what’s the situation now, and differences between them.

Hyung Woo’s mother and Eun Jae’s mother is curious what happens to their son and daughter. Eun Jae’s mother also says Eun Jae is suffering after marriage, but Hyung Woo’s mother rebuffs her asking if her son is in the wrong.

Accepted the Jung-goo’s suggestion to “think carefully what’s the different between now and 1 year ago when married,” Eun Jae and Hyung Woo drive to the resort at suburb for holiday. While in the resort, Hyung Woo and Eun Jae imagines a lot of intimate things but he dares not to do it. When they about to get close again, Ki Chan and Young-joo call. Later Eun Jae limps off and sprains her ankle, Hyung Woo carries her back.

Eun Jae is talking on phone near the bathtub, wanting to have affectionate couple bath. But her phone accidentally drops into water, which remove a sense of possibility to intimate.

They back to the office, Eun Jae takes a journal sheet for Hyung Woo to see. The financial situation of the legal firm is very dim. As a result, Hyung Woo is entertaining several seniors to ask for help, though he is unwilling, but he has no choice. During the karaoke session, Hyung Woo is insulted, Eun Jae who sees it pulls Hyung Woo away.

Back in home, Hyung Woo vomits. When on bed, Hyung Woo wants to hug Eun Jae, but is rejected by her.

Jeong-nan and Geum-ji is sad for but also fond of their own child, and they argue whose wrong is it. Jeong-nan leave Geum-ji place feeling upset.

Eun Jae goes to find Young-joo to borrow money, but she is hesitated to actually borrow money from me. But Young-joo mentions that the money previously borrowed by Gi Chan will be repaid by her, and they go to get the money. It’s found out that Young-joo is pregnant.

Eun Jae returns the money to Geum-ji. Geum-ji tells her to divorce with Hyung Woo. Joong-nan tells Hyung Woo he is suffering because of Eun Jae, and she feels very sorry, holding back her tears.

At home, Hyung Woo and Eun Jae talks about their mothers. Hyung Woo says that Eun Jae is stubborn and begs her to understand her mother who felt tired due to their divorce, as marriage is not just problem of two people, but also their mother.

At the office, Eun Jae is talking with senior. Hyung Woo suddenly rushes in to question him how dare he sees his woman. The senior asks Hyung Woo if aren’t they supposed to divorce. The senior does not want to do what Hyung Woo told him, and Hyung Woo hit him. Hyung Woo is arrested.

At night, Hyung Woo is released from police station, Gi Chan and the gang is waiting for him.

The senior comes to office again. Eun Jae is begging him but is stopped by Hyung Woo. Instead, Hyung Woo himself pleas with the senior humbly. Looking at this, Eun Jae is no longer bearable and gets furious. She shouts at the senior and leaves. Hyung Woo after her, and hugs her from the back.

Eun Jae goes out with Young-joo, while Hyung Woo hangs around with Ki Chan gang. Later Hyung Woo goes to temple to pray for his brother. At this time, both Eun Jae and Hyung Woo is thining back what’s happening around them.

Hyung Woo is late for the next proceeding. Judge asks Eun Jae to conclude, but she is interrupted by Hyung Woo, who says that he has nothing to say on the day’s litigation, and he accepts the demand of plaintiff to divorce. Eun Jae is stunned.

Can’t Lose (Can’t Live with Losing) Episode 10 Preview Video

Can’t Live with Losing (Can’t Lose) Ep. 10 Drama Recap Photos





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