The new Monday and Tuesday drama of SBS TV, Fashion King, had a good start on its premiere episode aired on March 19th, 2012 with a double-digit rating, came in second place among all programs broadcast on the same time on the night.
According to statistic released by AGB Nielson media research agency, Fashion King episode 1 broadcast on March 19th, 2012 recorded the viewership rating of 10.0%, while dramas that broadcast at the same time on the night, MBC’s Lights and Shadows and KBS2TV’s Dream High 2 rated 22.5% and 5.7% respectively.
Although the ratings for Fashion King and Lights and Shadows differ by more than 10%, but taking into account that the rating of Fashion King on debut was even higher than debut rating of preceding drama Salaryman Cho Han Ji, there is possibility that it may repeats the history of Salaryman Cho Han Ji to overtake Lights and Shadows in future.
After the broadcast of episode 1 of Fashion King on the night of March 19th, 2012, many audience commented on the official website, praising the acting of Shin Se Kyun and other actors, and the fresh theme of Fashion King drama.
via MyDaily
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