Jin Se Yun Shows Off Fair Tender Skin in Bath Scene

On May 31st, 2012, the second episode of KBS 2TV drama “Bridal Mask“, the bathing scene of Jin Se Yun was shown, revealing her fair and tender skin.

On the day, Lee Kang To (Joo Won) wants to take advantage of Oh Mok Dan (Jin Se Yun) to catch Bridal Mask. And at this time, Jin Se Yun is bathing in an inn. Although only shoulder area was exposed, but the fair and tender skin is enviable. Jin Se Yun is recalling the scene of Bridal Mask repeatedly saved her while soaking in the bath basin, her face is filled wit happy expression.

It is learned that drama broadcast on the day revealed that the true identity of the Bridal Mask is Lee Kang San (Shin Hyun Joon), and what kind of life and death duel he will engage with pro-Japanese brother Lee Kang To is raising expectation.





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